Guinness Ice Cream
- Ingredients:
200g sugar
50ml cream
35ml full-cream milk
One vanilla pod
6 egg yolks
One Guinness can
- Preparation:
- Mix the milk, cream and sugar, and heat in a saucepan for 5 minutes, stirring regularly and then turn off the heat.
- Collect the vanilla seeds by slicing the pod and stir in the mixture.
- Add the egg yolks to the warm mixture by beating regularly.
- Put back on the heat, and stir until the mixture thickens, without boiling.
- Put 7 hours in the refrigerator.
- At the same time, heat the beer in a saucepan and let reduce a quarter of an hour. Place in the fridge for 3 hours.
- After this time, add the reduced beer in syrup with vanilla cream in an ice cream maker.
- When the mixture has set, place in the freezer, and enjoy!

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